E-Paper Falstaff Special Intercontinental

E-Paper Falstaff Special Intercontinental

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This year, the "Hotel InterContinental" is celebrating its 60th anniversary. These were 60 years in which the hotel became a pioneer in many respects. With bold architecture at the cutting edge. As a location for international conferences and congresses in the 1960s, when the hotel industry had not yet found itself in Vienna. It was this will to innovate that has made the "InterContinental" a hotspot in Vienna over the last six decades - and for which I have great respect. It is the birthday of an icon. In a prime location on the edge of Vienna's Stadtpark, just a stone's throw from the first district, the hotel has been standing since 1964 and has long since become a symbol of unyielding modernity, coupled with luxury and excellent service. A striking eye-catcher on the outside and cozy on the inside. Remodeled several times, today it has the charm of a grand hotel. Like many Viennese, I associate unforgettable memories and moments with the "InterContinental". I have spent many an hour with friends and business partners under the imposing crystal chandelier of the "Intermezzo Bar". And there will be many more to come - certainly with one of the more than 100 whis(e)ys in the glass for which the bar is famous far and wide. Even though this year is all about celebrating the anniversary, the future is already on the horizon. The plans of owner Michael Tojner are spectacular and will once again make the hotel a pioneer in the Viennese hotel industry. A role that the hotel has held for 60 years and lives with every fiber.

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