Falstaff International No. 00/2021
Falstaff International No. 00/2021
Falstaff International No. 00/2021
Falstaff International No. 00/2021
Falstaff International No. 00/2021
Falstaff International No. 00/2021

Falstaff International No. 00/2021

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The global magazine publication for the joyful trinity that is wine, food and travel – all the things we love in life. We begin with wine and take it further: to places familiar and exotic, to food, restaurants and recipes. We will also bring you thoughts, essays, ideas.

In this issue: 

  • Wine Features on Supertuscans, Bordeaux, Ribera Del Duero, California, Riesling, Celebrity Wines
  • Carlo Mondavi On Starting Over
  • Food Tips: Tasting the Ocean, Beef Breads, Ten Top Tips For Your Barbecue, Eating At Alain Ducasse
  • Travelling the French Riviera, Africa (Big Migration) and Austria
  • Whisky

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