Falstaff International No. 01/2022
Falstaff International No. 01/2022
Falstaff International No. 01/2022
Falstaff International No. 01/2022
Falstaff International No. 01/2022
Falstaff International No. 01/2022
Falstaff International No. 01/2022

Falstaff International No. 01/2022

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Fine wine, good food and memorable journeys – these are the themes that Falstaff covers at the highest level, written from international perspectives by passionate writers with an exceptional nose for the best things in life.

In this premiere issue of 2022, we invite you to join us on an adventure for all the senses – from prized wines hailing from California, Tuscany and Bordeaux, via Peruvian cuisine and a real bite of the Big Apple, to the best beaches and explorations of Morocco and mezcal.

IN THIS ISSUE | Discover & Rediscover: The Joy of Seeing Things Afresh

  • Wine features on California reds, the evolution of Chianti Classico, global Grüner Veltliner, wine basics
  • Food news, restaurant icons, spring recipes, goat’s cheeses, spiced lamb
  • Travelling Italy and the best sandy spots around the globe
  • Tasting Chenin Blanc and Southern French Whites

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